After a solid job, it’s finally here! ESBE's new website. How much effort do you need to put in to give a website a new look and a new interface? Mazen Ghoukeh, ESBE’s webmaster and Digital Marketing Specialist, knows the answer.
We had a chat with Mazen Ghoukeh, webmaster and Digital Marketing Specialist at ESBE and asked him to answer seven questions.
1. First of all: Congratulations on your new great website! ESBE's old website consists of nine languages. The new one has only two. How is that?
– As a first step, the new design of the website will be launched in English and Swedish. Customers who want to see the website in other languages will be able to browse in the old design.
From April, the new design will be available in the remaining languages, so that all our customers can experience our website and its features.
2. What is the reason you updated the web? It doesn’t seem only to be a facelift?
– At ESBE, we work continuously to develop our products to be at the forefront of digital technology. Of course, this also applies to our website. With the new design, we want to give our customers a better experience regardless of whether they are new or existing customers/partners.
The new design allows you to browse from any device and through storytelling you can follow ESBE's long and successful history in its field. The update also includes a new product system that may be of interest to our customers and future partners.
3. What has been the biggest challenge?
– The most difficult task was to manage the time planning. The new web platform is built with a completely different system than the old one. Unfortunately, this meant that it was impossible to transfer information smoothly. But with determination you go a long way!
The old website's data has been transferred in all different languages manually. A lot of time and effort has been devoted to this time-consuming step, but we are pleased with the result. I would therefore, here and now, thank our team consisting of Annette, Ulrik, Jeanette, Lars, Jörgen and every single department at ESBE around Europe that passes our sales team around the world. Your contributions have been the most successful!
4. You are a global company – how do you plan when updating the web? Have your subsidiaries been involved in the work, for example?
– Our current plan is to continue developing the website. Each language has its own website where, in addition to the language itself, we focus on the interests of the target groups for each individual country. With that said, we will continue to work with our colleagues in the subsidiaries. We listen to the needs of their customers and try to meet them.
As I mentioned in question three, the work with ESBE's subsidiaries was an important element in the review of all new information. We are in continuous dialogue with our colleagues around the world, keeping an ear to the ground and hope enriching the content of the website as well as to adapt it to different audiences.
5. How are you going to celebrate the launch?
– We have established a theme for ESBE in 2021; Digital excellence. That means I feel like we have a bit left before we can celebrate, haha. We will work to reach our customers wherever they are, let them know that our website and our products are here to serve them. In April, when the bigger launch takes place, there will be a bigger celebration of yet another surprise waiting for our customers.
6+7. Finally. What’s your favorite page on your new site – and why?
– Unfortunately, I can’t choose just one favorite page. I invested effort and time in building the site, so in some way all of the pages are very close to me.
A website is not a static thing and I would therefore advise our customers to add our website to their favorite list. Any points for improvement they want to add I would happily accept.