
90 3-point

  • Adjustable operating range.
  • Assortment for any need.
  • Auxiliary switch available.

Series 90 with 3 point (open / close) signal is suitable for mixing operations together with valves such as 3F. In these applications can any position of the actuator operating range be used to get the desired mix level. The actuator is designed for operating rotary valves DN 15-150 and has adjustable cam discs to obtain an operating range of 30°-180°.

The series can easily be manually operated by a disconnection button and lever.

Product range

90, 3-point 230 V

Prod_m90_ver A_issue_A_lr.png
90 side_GB_A-01.png
Installation dimensions for Actuator Series 90
90 front_A-01.png Reference Voltage [V AC] Running time 90° [s] Control signal Torque [Nm] Note
12051700 94 230 15 3-point SPDT 5 Separate auxiliary switch as option. Replaces 84
12051800 94M 230 15 3-point SPDT 5 With premounted auxiliary switch
12051900 95 230 60 3-point SPDT 15 Separate auxiliary switch as option. Replaces 85, 85S
12052200 95M 230 60 3-point SPDT 15 With premounted auxiliary switch
12052000 95-2 230 120 3-point SPDT 15 Separate auxiliary switch as option
12052100 95-2M 230 120 3-point SPDT 15 With premounted auxiliary switch
12052300 96 230 240 3-point SPDT 15 Separate auxiliary switch as option. Replaces 86, 86S

90, 3-point 24 V

Prod_m90_ver A_issue_A_lr.png
90 side_GB_A-01.png
Installation dimensions for Actuator Series 90
90 front_A-01.png Reference Voltage [V AC] Running time 90° [s] Control signal Torque [Nm] Note
12050600 92 24 60 3-point SPDT 15 Separate auxiliary switch as option. Replaces 82, 82S
12051100 92M 24 60 3-point SPDT 15 With premounted auxiliary switch
12050700 92-2 24 120 3-point SPDT 15 Separate auxiliary switch as option
12051300 93 24 240 3-point SPDT 15 Separate auxiliary switch as option. Replaces 83, 83S
Installation support


Technical data

Technical data

Power supply: 24 ± 10% V AC, 50 Hz;
230 ± 10% V AC, 50 Hz
Power consumption: 24V: 2 VA;
230V: 5 VA
Enclosure rating: IP54
Protection class: II
Torque: See dimension table
Rating auxiliary switch: 6(3) A 250 V AC
Weight: 0,8 kg
Ambient temperature, max.: +55 °C
Ambient temperature, min.: -15 °C


LVD 2014/35/EU
EMC 2014/30/EU
RoHS3 2015/863/EU
SI 2016 No. 1101
SI 2016 No. 1091
SI 2012 No. 3032
24 V


Please see Installation instruction
Accessories and Spare Parts

Adaptor Kits

Art No. Reference Designation Note Instruction manual
16053300 16053300 VRG801 ESBE VRG801 Adaptor kit ESBE valves series VRG, VRH, VRB, VRS, VRP. Series 90, CRA120, CRC120. Order separately. download
16051300 16051300 900 ESBE 900 Adaptor kit ESBE valves series MG, G, F, BIV, T, TM, H, HG. Series 90, CRA120, CRC120. Comes with the actuator or Controller. download
16053900 16053900 900C ESBE 900C Adaptor kit Honeywell Centra ZR, DR, DRG, DRU (DN15 - DN50). Series 90, CRA120, CRC120, 90C*. Order separately. *The adaptor kit comes with a hand lever and for the controller series 90C this must be removed. It is not required for assembly. download
16051700 16051700 900CK ESBE 900CK Adaptor kit Honeywell Centra Kompakt DRK/ZRK. Series 90, CRA120, CRC120, 90C*. Order separately. *The adaptor kit comes with a hand lever and for the controller series 90C this must be removed. It is not required for assembly. download
16053600 16053600 900F ESBE 900F Adaptor kit Meibes / Oventrop / Watts / BRV. Series 90, CRA120, CRC120, 90C*. Order separately. *The adaptor kit comes with a hand lever and for the controller series 90C this must be removed. It is not required for assembly. download
16052600 16052600 900L ESBE 900L Adaptor kit Schneider Electric TRV / TAC-TRV valves. Series 90, CRA120, CRC120, 90C*. Order separately. *The adaptor kit comes with a hand lever and for the controller series 90C this must be removed. It is not required for assembly. download
16052500 16052500 900K ESBE 900K Adaptor kit Siemens VBG31, VBI31, VBF21, VCI31. Series 90, CRA120, CRC120, 90C*. Order separately. *The adaptor kit comes with a hand lever and for the controller series 90C this must be removed. It is not required for assembly. download
16051400 16051400 900A ESBE 900A Adaptor kit TA VTR valves. Series 90, CRA120, CRC120, 90C*. Order separately. *The adaptor kit comes with a hand lever and for the controller series 90C this must be removed. It is not required for assembly. download
16051500 16051500 900B ESBE 900B Adaptor kit Viesmann valves DN 20-25 Series 90, CRA120, CRC120, 90C*. Order separately. *The adaptor kit comes with a hand lever and for the controller series 90C this must be removed. It is not required for assembly. download

Spare parts

Art No. Reference Designation Note Instruction manual
98180570 98180570 900 ESBE MTS900 Shaft coupling series 90 download


Art No. Reference Designation Note Instruction manual
98100690 98100690 ESBE Separate auxiliary switch series 90. download
Download area

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